AMREF TOTAL Health A community health worker attending to a mother and child during the Intergrated community outreach under the Total Health Project in Okalu cwan village, Amuru District, Uganda.
AMREF TOTAL Health Mothers and children waiting to be served during an intergrated community outreach under the Amref Total Health Project in Okalu cwan village, Amuru District, Uganda.
AMREF TOTAL Health Anena Beatrice, a VHT Coordinator of Alego Pac Village photographed at one of the community member’s homestead during her routine visit to the community homesteads assigned to her in Alego Pac village, Amuru District, Uganda.
AMREF TOTAL Health A community health worker attending to community members during an Intergrated community outreach under the Total Health Project in Okalu cwan village, Amuru District, Uganda.
AMREF TOTAL Health A girl carrying water collected from the motorised water point installed at Olwal Health Centre II by Amref for community use, under the total health project in Amuru District, Uganda.
AMREF TOTAL Health Ayupo Elizabeth, an enrolled midwife at Olwal Health Centre II cleaning midwifery forceps at the solar powered water source installed by Amref in the labour suite at the facility.